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Logged In

Points: 976 [1000]


It looks like COViD’s mobile application is connecting to this API! Fortunately, our agents stole part of the source code. Can you find a way to log in?

API Server

Please view this Document for download instructions.

ZIP File Password: web-challenge-6

Note: Wondering what the second flag is about? Maybe check for a MOBILE Network?

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Taking a look at the given source code, we find in app.js that the api route is at /api, and in routes/api.js that there is a /login route. Putting these two together, the api login route is at /api/login.

The file seeders/20201023021100-user.js reveals that there are four user accounts. bob_minion, kevin_minion, stuart_minion and gru_felonius.

Upon further digging, we find in /helpers/initLocalStrategy.js that the only acceptable login user is gru_felonius.

An attempt at a basic POST request returned an invalid paramterers error. This is to be expected since no username or password was supplied.

$ curl -X POST
{"error":"Invalid parameters: username, password"}

We know from middlewares/validators.js that the server checks for the parameters username and password. The next attempt was a POST request with the credentials as form parameters.

$ curl -X POST -d "username=gru_felonius&password=password"
{"error":"Invalid credentials"}

This time it returned an invalid credentials error which means that the credentials have been properly processed. Since the nodejs app was using brypt, I found a recent bug in bcrypt that may be exploited to log in. However that did not yield any results.

The final guess was to leave the password parameter empty and it worked!

$ curl -X POST -d "username=gru_felonius&password="

