Link Search Menu Expand Document

What’s with the Search!

Points: 994 [1000]


There is an admin dashboard in the Korovax mobile. There aren’t many functions, but we definitely can search for something!

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  1. From the continuation from mobile/True or false?, we first will take a look at the The start of the file contains interesting native calls to getPassswordHash(), and it is used to compare to the user input in another onClick() method. If we can determine the hash method, and the original hash value, we can use it as the flag.
    // ...
    // Line 27
     public String f2929b = getPasswordHash();
    // ...
    // Line 44
     public native String getPasswordHash();
    // ...
    // Line 88 - 104
         public void onClick(View v) {
             AdminHome adminHome = AdminHome.this;
             adminHome.f2932e = (EditText) adminHome.findViewById(;
             if (AdminHome.this.b(AdminHome.this.c(AdminHome.this.f2932e.getText().toString())).equalsIgnoreCase(AdminHome.this.f2929b)) {
                 c.a builder = new c.a(AdminHome.this);
                 View view = LayoutInflater.from(AdminHome.this).inflate(R.layout.custom_alert, (ViewGroup) null);
                 ((TextView) view.findViewById("Congrats!");
                 ((TextView) view.findViewById("Add govtech-csg{} to what you found!");
                 builder.h("Proceed", new a());
                 builder.f("Close", new b());
                 Toast.makeText(AdminHome.this.getApplicationContext(), "Flag is correct!", 0).show();
             Toast.makeText(AdminHome.this.getApplicationContext(), "Flag is wrong!", 0).show();
  2. The hashing function is located either AdminHome.this.b() or AdminHome.this.c() as it is being used to compare against the hash value. From what we see in both methods, it appears the hashing is done in AdminHome.this.b(), and it uses the SHA-1 algorithm (AdminHome.this.c() removes extra stuff at the start and end).
     public final String c(String enteredFlagString) {
         if (!enteredFlagString.contains("govtech-csg{")) {
             return enteredFlagString;
         String result = enteredFlagString.replace("govtech-csg{", BuildConfig.FLAVOR);
         return result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
     public String b(String toHash) {
         try {
             MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
             byte[] bytes = toHash.getBytes(SQLiteDatabase.KEY_ENCODING);
             digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
             return bytesToHex(digest.digest());
         } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e2) {
             System.out.println("Algorithm not recognised");
             return null;
         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e3) {
             System.out.println("Something is wrong. Like really.");
             return null;
  3. So we can open up Cutter to check the relevant native code in, and we can see there is a string in there with the value of 01b307acba4f54f55aafc33bb06bbbf6ca803e9a, which is hashed with SHA-1, from what we found in step 3. Cutter
  4. So we googled 01b307acba4f54f55aafc33bb06bbbf6ca803e9a and lo and behold, the value is just 1234567890Google
  5. So we found the flag, which is just govtech-csg{1234567890}

